City of Los Angeles Green Streets

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Project Description: Rubberway® Pervious Pavement
4,800 SF
Terra Cotta Red
Single-layer pervious pavement system installed over base rock for maximum drainage

Rubberway Pervious Pavement was installed on a number of street medians for stormwater management in the City of Los Angeles as part of the City’s Green Streets program.  

Green Streets works to develop and implement new and sustainable solutions for managing stormwater. The city is pioneering ways of dealing with rainwater, one of the dry region’s most precious resources.

The single-layer Rubberway Pervious Pavement system was selected for this project due to its porosity, flexibility, and resilience. This system is also made from 100 percent recycled, regional tires and is easy to install.  

This project was used as a training opportunity for Los Angeles crews to learn how to install Rubberway products. By having in-house crews perform the installation with support and material supply from USSA, the city was able to significantly reduce costs and prepare for future Rubberway installations.

Rubberway Pervious Pavement provides a low maintenance, well-draining space for stormwater management. The system’s resilience allows it to flex rather than crack with minor movement of understrata that may occur due to the growth of nearby tree roots. The porosity of the system relieves pressure from the city’s stormwater systems and allows rainwater to drain into the subsoil where it recharges groundwater aquifers. This system is also very low maintenance, nearly eliminating the need for city maintenance employees to work on the medians which are dangerous areas of high traffic.
